Schedule your free
work-life clarity session
What's included?
  • 6 private sessions, meeting once every other week
  • Weekly text/email support between sessions
  • [BONUS] 3 power hour boosts - special 1 hour coaching sessions where you are matched with myself or trusted peers based on your needs - relationships, mental health, building a business, navigating parenthood, etc.
What's included?
  • 12 private sessions, meeting once every other week
  • Weekly text/email support between sessions
  • [BONUS] The game plan: a special 90-minute kick-off session
  • [BONUS] 6 power hour boosts - special 1 hour coaching sessions where you are matched with myself or trusted peers based on your needs - relationships, mental health, building a business, navigating parenthood, etc.

Sessions include easy scheduling for busy professionals
1. Placeholders: lock in your desired recurring slot the sooner you are enrolled
2. Skip-weeks: Schedule around vacations and known plans early while keeping your total # of sessions
3. Easy rescheduling: Life happens - you get a limited number of penalty-free last-minute reschedules

Total career and life satisfaction

starts with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between life-coaching and therapy?
What is the difference between life-coaching and mentoring?
What is Jungian Life Coaching and how are you trained to do it?
Will your prices change over time?